Thursday, February 18, 2016

Day 1 Morning meditation 10 min

I'm starting a meditation journal today. For four weeks I will meditate morning and night. The first week I'll start with 10 minutes and increase it with 10 more minutes every week so the last week I will meditate for 40 minutes. I will also work on my chakras, starting with the rootchakra, I'll be doing some yoga posses that will benifit my rootchakra for a week and then I'll go to the next chakra which is the sacral chakra next week.

Under my first meditation;
I couldn't fully relaxed but I felt like something went out anyway, I mean heavy energies, cause I was shedding tears and yawning a lot. I work with healing and energy and I've learned to understand the signals my body gives me . I had a rough night yesterday, energies in my body are shifting and it was emotionally painful. Today I feel much better.

Peace and Love

Friday, February 12, 2016

Hair Goals

Oh wait, it is my hair! 😍

Friday, February 05, 2016


I can't sleep or I don't want to. I want to write something about Energy. I'd like to think that energy is not made of something rather everything is made of energy. Our cells, our bodies, homes, things, nature, air, the sun etc. Where does energy come from then? When we think, we create and manifest energy, our thoughts are the creator of energy therefore are we the creators of everything and of our realities. While writing this post I'm in a meditative state kind of mind and I write what comes to me at the moment.

When asked what I do or what I work with I usually say I work with energy and I love it. I enjoy it and it makes me grow, it's refreshing for the body, mind and soul. I'm truly fascinated by healing, Reiki and energywork of all kinds and it keeps me interested and makes me want to know more which is important for me to continue working. I have a stubborn and restless soul that knows better than to stick around where there is nothing left to learn. 04:44.

No sad or happy endings No endings at all

I've had this blog since I was 16-17, about 8-9 years ago, and been writing on and off, editing, deleting, changing names but I haven't dedicated myself fully to blogging quite yet. I don't feel it's something to do at the time, I still have a lot of knowledge and wisdom to gain before putting my whole self out there.

I keep old blog posts in my draft cause I wanted to make this blog look clean by starting fresh but now I have change of feelings and I think I just want this blog to flow naturally instead of hiding the past I'll upload my old posts too.

I live in a fairy tale dream world with no endings

That's very Zen of you You must smoke pot

Last year I started watching the tvseries 'Dead Like Me'. They only made two seasons of the show though.

I always thought - I'm a cat.
I mean not like a house cat
I'm a stray.
Wanders the streets alone.
Kinda distant and mean.
Not a cat you'd wanna pet or bring home to your kids.
You just don't know where those claws are, you know.
And I'm a black cat.
And I have many, many lives.
And now you know who I am.

Tuesday, February 02, 2016

I've been afraid and in the dark Now I understand

I may not always write in a way that can be understod by anyone reading, that's kind of the prupose of having a blog, I write as I want to. So I've screwed up. The New Moon will be in a week and I'm taking advantage of the energy to manifest a new beggining for this coming time. It's really important for me to get started with meditation, practicing Reiki, reading books, writing, planning and other healthy stuffs. I knew it was going to be a down period and now it's time to get moving again. Wakey wakey little dragon.